Product Architecture Cheat Sheet
In this article, I will give you a no-brainer for choosing the right architecture for any project. Right doesn’t mean perfect, but it does mean good enough.
.. »Virtual Machine Scaling
Virtual machines (VMs) are the basic building block of cloud infrastructure - all cloud products like databases, orchestrators, message queues, functions and others are based on them. Many companies also use virtual machines as the foundation of their cloud landscape, running all sorts of services and applications on them.
In this article, I will explain ways and approaches for scaling VMs.
.. »Where to Place Logger in Golang?
Logging is an integral part of any application. However, the correct location and use of the logger in the project structure raises questions even for experienced developers.
There are several ways of doing this, of which I give preference to one. I will explain why.
.. »Basics of cloud scaling
In this article, you will learn what application scaling is, and how cloud infrastructure simplifies the process and makes it more useful for business.
.. »Clean Transactions in Golang Hexagon
How to implement transaction management in a hexagonal microservice? How to keep the isolation of the application layer and the database adapter? In this article I will share my experience in solving this problem.
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