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Virtual Machine Scaling

Virtual machines (VMs) are the basic building block of cloud infrastructure - all cloud products like databases, orchestrators, message queues, functions and others are based on them. Many companies also use virtual machines as the foundation of their cloud landscape, running all sorts of services and applications on them.

In this article, I will explain ways and approaches for scaling VMs.

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Where to Place Logger in Golang?

Logging is an integral part of any application. However, the correct location and use of the logger in the project structure raises questions even for experienced developers.

There are several ways of doing this, of which I give preference to one. I will explain why.

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Basics of cloud scaling

In this article, you will learn what application scaling is, and how cloud infrastructure simplifies the process and makes it more useful for business.

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Practical Use of Finite-State Machines

This is the first article in a series dedicated to FSM usage in distributed system architecture. We will talk about domains, transactions, and sagas. But let’s start with the basics. Finite-State Machine When we think about the finite-state machine, we probably imagine some computer science-related entities, math, and diagrams like that: Besides scientific language, a finite-state machine is a final set of states and the transitions between them. When it comes to real engineering, states are a set of consistent states in which the model can be...  »

Go-Swagger Tricks. Standard HTTP handler

Hey, reader! Maybe you had tried go-swagger library so far. If yes, you may notice that sometimes it’s not so easy to use. And it may look a bit complicated to start using it. In this number of small articles, I will share my experience on how to make go-swagger more friendly. Let’s start. Handling requests in go-swagger By default, go-swagger generates a specific handler type for each endpoint in your Swagger scheme - that is, you will get a code-generated structure with all import parameters kindly parsed for you and a number of responders for each response type (with pre-generated structures as well)...  »

How I write my unit tests in Go quickly

We all love unit tests because they help us to keep our software workable. And we all hate them because they don’t appear magically - someone needs to write them. And when it comes to writing, it often takes a huge amount of time to cover the simplest cases. But I found my way to do that without pain (okay, with less pain). And I will share it with you like a simple illustrated guide...  »

Clean Configuration Management in Golang

There are many good approaches to handle configuration in a modern application. Now we use such things as configuration files, environment variables, command-line parameters, as well as CI configuration patterns and on-fly config file builds, remote config servers, specific mapping, and binding services and even more complex things. But the target is the same - provide the app with a configuration, which is fast to get and easy to use. But how to do that?..  »

Setup, build, automate

deploy a dockerized app to Heroku fast! Heroku is a beautiful service. Although it doesn’t support Kubernetes or give a so bright range of cloud infrastructure options, it still does a great job by hosting small applications (even for free). But the remote cloud configuration may be painful. It’s easy and nice until something goes wrong. It’s ok to dive into manuals and documentation, spend hours to understand how things work and so on...  »