In software engineering, the term happy path refers to the ideal scenario where everything works as planned. It’s natural to begin system design by focusing on these positive scenarios - they’re simple, straightforward, and align with how most people envision their product functioning.
However, stopping at the happy path is a mistake. While it’s often sufficient for stakeholders from business backgrounds who lack technical expertise, it fails to address the majority of a system’s complexity.
In this article, I will give you a no-brainer for choosing the right architecture for any project. Right doesn’t mean perfect, but it does mean good enough.
How to implement transaction management in a hexagonal microservice? How to keep the isolation of the application layer and the database adapter? In this article I will share my experience in solving this problem.
This is the first article in a series dedicated to FSM usage in distributed system architecture. We will talk about domains, transactions, and sagas. But let’s start with the basics.
Finite-State Machine When we think about the finite-state machine, we probably imagine some computer science-related entities, math, and diagrams like that:
Besides scientific language, a finite-state machine is a final set of states and the transitions between them. When it comes to real engineering, states are a set of consistent states in which the model can be.